e cat wants to go to e site of artistic incidents (quirky Japlish =P)
aka. ベネッセアートサイト直島 Benesse Art Site Naoshima, one of Ando Tadao's works
& also to 箱根彫刻の森美術館 Hakone Open-Air Museum
if anyone knows of other such places in Japan with a similar killer combi of good (cool & low humidity) weather + good natural setting & views (mountains, oceans, e more drama e better!) + quiet + good art + good architecture (& use of natural light) + great sense of __B_I_G___F_A_T___S_P_A_C_E__, do let e cat (& changkel) know!
think e cat's affinity for such places has its roots in discarded condemned copies of Pacific Friend magazine salvaged from school libraries that carried feature articles on such places. & some scene in an old j-dorama (aishiteiru to itte kure 愛していると言ってくれ say you love me) filmed in a place that looks like a beautiful art museum. e cat has this strange ability to watch TV shows with 90-100% of its attention on e location/backdrop & birds flying past & trains passing by & trees bending in e wind in e background & 0-10% on e human actors/actresses that are blocking e cat's view of e backdrop.
but e site of artistic incidents & Hakone OAM have to wait for their turn.
for now: Miho Museum in Shiga prefecture + Ando Tadao's 陶板名画の庭 Garden of Fine Art & B-LOCK in Kyoto + certain temples & gardens that e cat once had to study for its architecture cross-faculty module + plenty of trails in e mountains to e north & northwest of Kyoto. this will be Japan trip #2 autumn 2005. #1 was in late spring of 2002.
*sigh* even before going on #2 e cat is already dreaming of places to escape to for #3 (Hokkaido national parks?), #4 & beyond....
Tiji Festival Gallery Is Now Available
I am getting caught up on my photography website. Today I got around to
selecting and uploading 45 photographs from my May/June 2019 journey to
5 years ago
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